Dorothy Winton Bursary

Dorothy Winton Travel Bursaries

This fund was set up in the name of the first Secretary of the Association who died in October 2003. Dorothy’s time as the first Secretary of the Association was a very happy one and she was very concerned that justice (and support for justices) should be available to poor and rich nations alike.

“She had considerable knowledge of the Commonwealth, a genuine interest in its people and she was prepared to travel extensively to promote the Association, being especially concerned that people from the less well developed countries should be able to play a full part.” Brenda Hindley, former Editor of the CJJ.

The Fund was used to assist participation of three magistrates from Malawi, Uganda and the Solomon Islands at the CMJA’s 14th Triennial Conference, and a delegate from South Africa at the CMJA’s 15th Triennial Conference, and will be used to used to assist participation of judicial officers who would not otherwise have the opportunity to benefit from the training opportunity offered by the educational programme of the Triennial Conferences of the Association.


Contributions should be by cheques drawn on a UK bank, bank transfers – making clear what the transfer is related to or bankers draft made payable to CMJA and should be sent to:
Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association at
Uganda House,
58-59 Trafalgar Square
London WC2N 5DX, UK

Alternatively, you can make a payment by credit or debit card by going to CMJA Donations page and choosing ‘Dorothy Winton Bursaries’ from the drop down menu.

Please remember that as a registered charity, the CMJA can reclaim tax paid by UK tax payers. If you include your name and address (eg on the back of the cheque), we can send you the form to fill in for gift aid purposes – a simple declaration and signature.