Judicial Independence

The CMJA monitors judicial independence issues across the Commonwealth which affect the institution. It cannot act for individual judges but can bring issues the attention of its networks around the Commonwealth. It issues Statements where required on its own, with other international or Commonwealth Associations. See Statements and Resolutions.
Principles and Declarations
The CMJA has issued a number of Principles and Declarations:
Victoria Falls Proclamation on the Independence of the Judiciary through Judicial Education(1994)
Victoria Falls Declaration on the Human Rights of Women (1994)
The Commonwealth (Latimer House) Principles on the Accountability of and Relationship Between the Three Branches of Government (2003) (also known as the Commonwealth (Latimer House) Principles.
The Principles, include the Latimer House Guidelines on Parliamentary Supremacy and Judicial Independence (1998), the Nairobi Plan of Action for Africa (2005) and the Edinburgh Plan of Action for the Development and Implementation of the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles (2008)). They were endorsed by Commonwealth Heads of Government in Abuja in 2003 and became part of the Commonwealth fundamental political values in 2005 and are included in the Commonwealth Charter.
Limassol Conclusions on Combating Corruption in the Judiciary (2002)
Tanoa Recommendations on Gender and Human Rights (2004)
Brisbane Declaration on the Independence and Integrity of the Lower Courts (2018)
Principles on the Funding and Resourcing of the Judiciary in the Commonwealth (2020)